3 Ways To Practice Self-Care EVERY Morning Before Starting The Day

As I've said multiple times, I'm not naturally a morning person. Waking up at 4AM every day is a work in progress that I can confidently say has changed my life for the better. One of the best things I've implemented in my Morning Routine is the practice of self-care, first thing in the morning. Without self-care, your quality of work quickly diminishes and productivity flies right out the window.

I learned this the hard way at the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey. After the wild pump of adrenalin wore off, I found myself burnt out and uninspired for a full year. It was extremely frustrating to feel unending pressure to create content I wasn't proud of - and it showed as the quality of my work lacked. What began as a profitable passion project soon turned into an overwhelming black hole sucking all of the energy out of me - so much energy that I became too exhausted to even do simple tasks like get out of bed, cook healthy meals, exercise, visit friends, and nurture my mental health. When I wasn't overworking myself, I was literally sleeping; and when I struggled to sleep for days, I was creating horrible content. It was an unhealthy cycle I knew I had to break.

Self-care is so important because it creates the mindset that YOU are the most important part of your life. When you begin to put yourself first, every other aspect of your life - your career, your relationships, your finances, your health, etc. - flourish as well.

3 Ways To Practice Self-Care EVERY Morning Before Starting Your Day

In my search for a lifestyle that promotes self-care, I adapted three overarching tasks into my morning routine that helped put Me first:
  • Do Something For The Mind
  • Do Something For The Body
  • Do Something For The Soul
The moment I wake up in the morning, this is my To-Do List. I don't let myself answer e-mails, write blog posts, design social media content, or answer comments until these three things were done. When you jump right into work first thing in the morning after you wake up, you are unintentionally telling yourself that WORK is more important than your wellbeing - and I don't want to be that kind of person. Having a strong worth ethic is so important and is the backbone to success - BUT putting your work life over your wellbeing is not worth potential illnesses or burnout.

Do Something For The Mind
I love starting my morning immediately by doing something for my mind. We use our mind all day long and it's constantly running - but very few of us take time to warm it up or exercise the brain. This is an amazing way to get the blood flowing while helping you wake up. It also helps us exercise our memory, focus, information processing, comprehension, etc.
  • Brain Training Apps
  • Puzzles
  • Cross Words
  • Word Search
  • Listen to an Inspirational Podcast
  • Read a Book
  • Learn A New Skill
  • Practice A New Hobby

Do Something For The Body
This, especially, has become a favorite of mine. There is just something about getting my blood pumping and my body moving that makes my day 10x better! Before I started exercising in the morning, I found that I always had excess energy bottled up inside, which usually translated into anxiety or stress because my body wasn't sure what to do with all of that excess energy firing up within me. Now that I started exercising and eating healthier, my sleep is better regulated, my body feels stronger, and I feel a lot less stressed out.
  • Eat a wholesome breakfast
  • 30-minute outdoor walk
  • Early morning yoga class
  • Relax in the sauna
  • Weight train at the gym
  • 10-minute stretches in your living room
  • Swim some laps at the pool
  • Drink a full glass of water

Do Something For The Soul
I think this is something that many people overlook. When we talk about wellness, most people instinctively think about eating healthy and exercise - but not a lot of people talk about soul-wellness. We live in a culture that continuously pushes us to work harder and harder, then call us "weak" for needing time-off to regenerate. I like to refer to the soul as a watering can - It begins filled up but as we water jobs we don't enjoy, relationships that are toxic, and overwhelming situations that stress us out, our water quickly runs dry. Suddenly, we no longer have any water left for everything we do love and want to see grow. All of the relationships that we hold dear, passion projects we poured our hearts into and time spent practicing a positive mindset are just left to wilt. But when we make time to refill our watering can every morning and water the things most important to us first, we can finally dry out all of the negative things that no longer serve us and have more water for all of the things that light us up inside. 
  • Reflect on things you're grateful for
  • Brain dump in a journal (Morning Pages)
  • Enjoy a rush-free coffee with your spouse/partner/best friend
  • Spend some time cuddling on the floor with your dog
  • Practice Guided Meditation
  • Create an artsy masterpiece
  • Work on a passion project
  • Spent some time in nature
  • Do anything else that lights you up inside!

The idea is to take care of the three main pillars of your life - mind, body, and soul. Some days I choose to do one for each section; some days I implement multiple tasks from each pillar; as I mix and match them.

I think its also important to share that these tasks don't have to take a whole lot of time. To many people, time is limited - I get it. But doing something as simple as waking up 30 minutes earlier to dedicate 10 minutes to each practice could be life-changing!

Most importantly, do what feels the most fulfilling and fits your lifestyle best!

How To Become A Morning Person + Wake Up At 4 AM Everyday

A new habit I've really been trying to incorporate within my life is becoming a "Morning Person". Let me tell you - this is one of the most challenging things I've tried thus far. I've never been an early riser and, quite honestly, would prefer to sleep in until noon every single day if I had the flexibility in my schedule to do so. As part of my new year's resolutions, I decided to challenge myself by working towards waking up at 4 AM every single day.

You must think I'm a crazy person. Who in the right mind would want to wake up at 4AM every single day when they don't have to? The reason differs per person, but some reasons may include wanting to get a workout in before the workday begins, getting some extra time to enjoy breakfast with your partner and/or kids, collecting some extra time for your side hustle that you may not get in the evening, or just generally trying to get a productive start to your day by completing simple tasks you wouldn't otherwise have done if you woke up later.

Who Should Transform Into A Morning Person?
- Anyone who feels like they don't have enough hours in the day to cross everything off their to-do list.
- Anyone who wishes they had more time to spend with their loved ones.
- Anyone who is actively trying to grow their side hustle while still in school or working full-time.
- Anyone wanting to just generally wants to improve their mental health and start the day feeling good

If any (or all) of these resonate with you, I'd definitely recommend you challenge yourself in the next 21 Days to give waking up at 4 AM every day a try. I'd imagine unless you are someone who has their life together, you could benefit from giving this challenge a try, at least once in your life to see how it drastically changes your relationship with health, time and sleep.

Personally, I do it because I love starting my day with a positive mindset. I've fallen into the workaholic rabbit hole and stopped taking care of my personal wellness. By waking up at 4 AM every day, I created a routine that has really helped me put myself and my loved ones first - without stressing out about getting everything done on my to-do list. All before 9AM, I can now fit in an intense workout without watching the clock, enjoy the Early Bird Special with my boyfriend at our favorite breakfast diner, and fit in some brain training in the Lumosity App! I feel like I'm in the BEST place I've ever been in a long time - mentally and physically!

How To Become A Morning Person:
As hard as waking up at 4 AM sounds, it's really not that bad once it has become routine. I have broken down my method into three categories that will help you sustainably keep this habit long-term:
  • Create An Intention-Filled Morning Routine (And Follow It!)
  • Allow Yourself To Get Enough Sleep The Night Before
  • Find A Support System That Will Keep Your Accountable

Create An Intention-Filled Morning Routine (And Follow It!)
I am a strong believer that creating routines with supported by intentions is one of the best ways to create motivation in all aspect of life. When you create a morning routine fueled by intention, you go beyond "I have to wake up" to "I want to wake up because". This "Because" or your WHY is the extra push most people need to get motivated to do the things they really don't want to do. It's a mindset shift that, as minor, as it seems, will set you up for success.

No longer is it just "I have to go to work". With intention, it now becomes: "I want to go to work because I have a family that is counting on me".

And no longer is it just "I have to go to the gym this morning". With intention, it now becomes: "I want to go to the gym because I want to feel confident in a swimsuit this summer."

Every single thing on your morning routine should have an intention paired to it. Keep in mind, your morning routine doesn't have to be lengthy and complicated. Mine is super simple but is packed with intention:

Wake up at 4AM because I want to set aside time to take care of myself and start the day on a positive note.

Use Bathroom + Morning Hygiene because self-care is one of the most important things to me.

Complete Daily Brain Training Exercises because stimulating the brain not only makes you smarter, but also helps you naturally wake up faster.

Workout At The Gym because I love the rush of positivity I get when I workout early in the morning.

Eat a healthy breakfast because after working out, my body deserves nutrition that makes it continue to feel good.

Tidy Home While Listing To Podcast because I love starting my day without small tasks continuously resurfacing in the back of my head.

Allow Yourself To Get Enough Sleep The Night Before
I think this is pretty straight forward, but a lot of people don't do it because they "don't have enough time" to schedule an early bedtime. We live in a society that has grown to praise the lack of sleep. From all the college kids competing over who had the least amount of sleep the night before their final exam to all the night-shift workers who are motivated by the extra money that follows in exchange for all of their sleep debt. The average adult should be getting 7-8 hours of sleep.

If you are struggling with getting proper sleep at night, here are some quick tips:
  • Create a daily night routine. It doesn't need to be overly complicated like most lifestyle bloggers and beauty gurus make it seem. You don't need to take a bubble bath, light some candles, and perform an overly complicated skincare routine. Do whatever helps you wind down for the night to prepare for a good nights rest, but do it before strict bedtime. My bedtime is 9pm.
  • Prepare the night before. This goes beyond just packing your lunch and setting out your clothes for the following morning. Do those dishes you usually leave in the sink overnight. Tidy the living room from the 10 pillows, 4 blankets, and 2 bags of chips you left from your evening Netflix Binge. Getting these silly little tasks out of the way before bed will give you peace of mind when you're finally ready to go to sleep. I don't know about you, but if I know I have a task I didn't complete, my mind goes CRAZY, especially right before bedtime. Then I spend the next three hours contemplating whether or not I should just do it. Just get it out of the way before you go to bed and save yourself the mental battle at 2AM.
  • Use a Bedtime Clock App. On the iPhone, it's naturally a feature in your clock app. I'm not quite sure if this is something Androids have - but if not, there are plenty of apps in the Play store available. Bedtime Clock Apps are great for tracking your sleeping patterns and using a subtle alarm to wake you up while you're in light sleep during the window around your designated wake-up time. Using the Bedtime feature in the iPhone Clock App has changed my life!
  • Charge your phone on the other side of your bedroom. Originally I thought this tip was silly. I thought I'd just wake up, get out of bed to turn off the alarm, then go back to bed with my phone in hand. And yes, this did happen to me a few times. To prevent myself from going back to bed, I'd turn off my alarm, then immediately turn on my lights, go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and complete my morning skincare routine. Putting your alarm on the other side of the room creates a chain reaction that helps you wake up as you complete seamless morning tasks.
  • Wake Up Anyways - Even If You're Still Tired. Even if you didn't get the full 7-8 hours the night before, wake up anyways. By doing this, not only are you practicing will power, but you also are resetting your sleeping schedule. Our bodies work on an internal clock. If you force yourself awake, even if you're exhausted and feel like crap for a couple of days, your body will naturally get sleepy earlier the following night. Eventually, you'll be sleeping early to make up for the sleep you have been losing from waking up earlier.

Find A Support System That Will Keep You Accountable
Sometimes we just need that little extra push when we aren't feeling motivated. That's where your support system comes in. Find a buddy to keep you accountable during this lifestyle transition. Ask your partner/spouse or your best friend to join along in the lifestyle change. It is always so much easier when you're doing it with someone else. It's awesome because when you aren't motivated, your Support Person can hype you up - and vice-versa.

I actually partially started this challenge to help me boyfriend reset his sleeping schedule after he switched from night-shift back to day-shift. A couple months later, we both naturally wake up at 4AM pumped to head off to the gym. It's been a great bonding experience as we keep each other motivated and accountable - even when we want to give up and sleep in. Challenging things are always so much easier with someone by your side.


These are my three tips to becoming a morning person and waking up at 4AM every single day. How would you spend the extra time in your day if you were to wake up at 4AM every day? Let me know down in the comments below!