With 2019 creeping around the corner, Adam and I have been talking a lot about things we'd like to improve within ourselves in this upcoming year. We certainly don't believe in the whole "New Year, New Me" mentality, but we are both strong believers of goal making and taking action to fulfill those goals.
1) Assess your 2018 self . What accomplishments did you achieve this year? What could have gone better? What do you wish you started last year that you didn't? What are you really glad you did do? Who are you thankful for and really impacted your year? What lessons did you learn? Thinking about these questions will help you realize things that are really important to you and will help lead you in the right direction towards creating purposeful goals. If you need a little guidance in your reflection, check out my "New Year Better Me" Reflection Worksheet.
2) Think Tangible. Create goals that can tangibly be measured. This will help you review progress along the way towards your goal, which in turn will keep you motivated. If your goal is to grow your Instagram following, maybe your resolution will be to gain 100 followers per month, instead of just "Grow IG Following". Having a tangible number to monitor and look back on is a fantastic way to remind you of where you started and help you continue to see how far you've come throughout the year.
3) Don't just think of what you want to change, but how you'd like to change it. So let's say you want to save money this year? How do you plan on doing that? Will you get an extra job? Will you cut out that morning coffee every morning before work out of your routine? Will you deposit $20 into a saving account every pay check? Thinking about how you'd like to reach your goal will create a rough plan that you can actually act upon--which is a great start!
4) Accept that change is a lifestyle commitment. Whether you'd like to shed some weight, get fit, eat healthier, do better in school, get that promotion at work, save money; or whatever your goals are this year -- you need to understand that for this resolution to actually be fulfilled, you need to commit to a whole lifestyle change. You can't go into this year thinking "Its okay to cheat--its just one day". Because one day turns into two, then three, then 365. You've got to stay on top of yourself with self control towards this new lifestyle change for yourself to fully reach your goals. Sometimes we accidentally take a step back - and, girl, that's okay! It happens to the best of us. BUT, a step back doesn't mean you're starting back from the beginning or that you have to give up! Start right back where you fell off track and keep pushing forward from there!
5) Responsibly Reward Yourself! Did you just go a month without ordering take-out? Yaaas, girl! How about you celebrate by not ordering take-out and instead using that money you would have spent on take-out to make yourself a special meal at home? Or how about instead of rewarding yourself for going to the gym for a month with cake, you buy yourself some new work-out gear? Rewarding yourself is great--but try to do so in a manner that won't hinder your progress.
If you'd like a little guidance for creating AND keeping your resolutions this year, check out my brand new "Goal Getter Guidebook - 2019 Planner And Workbook" on my shop! Use the code "NEWYEARBETTERME" for 15% off your order!
I hope you give these tips a try! I'm wishing you all a successful, prosperous New Year! You're going to kick butt in 2019 and this will be the best year yet for you!
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